• By Appointment Only
  • Buffalo, NY
bed bugs facts
Interesting Facts About Bed Bugs

They reproduce very quickly:
• A pregnant female can lay 8-12 eggs a day and 200-300 eggs in its lifetime
• The eggs hatch in 3 to 10 days from the day they were laid
• They reach the adult phase/breeding age in about 21-35 days
• 1 pregnant female can cause a serious infestation in 120 days.

(Based on the statistics above, at the 120-day mark there would be approximately 29,040 eggs, 19,440 in the nymph stage, and 10,081 adult)
-They can climb
• Bed bugs usually spread via hitchhiking on your clothes and on your personal items (purses, backpacks, boxes, toys, etc.)
• Bed bugs move swiftly in horizontal and vertical positions; they don’t fly and they don’t jump
• They prefer a human host but will occasionally be found feeding on animals or hiding in pet beds
• They are not designed to navigate well through hair

What you should expect when preparing for treatment:
• Please inform us of all previously treatments attempted (including foggers & alcohol).
• We will provide you with detailed instructions of easy tasks to complete prior to your treatment day
• These tasks will help to ensure that all hiding areas are prepared for treatment
• These tasks will ensure that heat sensitive items are inspected and removed prior to treatment.
• These tasks will ensure that bed bugs are not removed or re-located to areas not being treated prior to treatment
• ALL tasks are VERY IMPORTANT to ensure the treatment is effective. Without following all of the pre-treatment tasks, we cannot guarantee the success of the treatment

Post-treatment (30 Days)
• Continue to inspect common heading areas for signs bed bugs on a regular basis (usually within 5 ft of human meal source).
• Continue to wash normal clothing with hot water temperature setting and dry on high temperature settings for at least 30 mins.
• Vacuum all base boards, ceiling molding and around outlets on a regular basis